Thursday, March 28, 2024

Gospel of John - John 20

 Homiletics                                                                Study: Gospel of John                               

Lesson     27                                                              Passage:  John 20

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Empty Tomb – Seen and Shared (John 20:1-10)

1. Mary Magdalene came to tomb and sees stone removed (1)

2. Mary Magdalene runs to Peter and John telling Jesus body taken and doesn’t know where He has been put (2)

3. Both disciples run to tomb with John arriving first; looks to see strips of linen but doesn’t go in (3-5)

4. Simon Peter arrives and going straight into tomb; he arrives seeing strips of linen as well as the head cloth which lying in place separate from linen (6-7)

5. John also went inside saw and believed.

6. The disciples went back to where they were staying (10)

Risen Jesus Experienced (John 20:11-18)

1. Mary stood outside wept, but as she looked into the tomb saw two angels seated where Jesus’ body had been one at the head and another at the foot (11-12)

2. The angels asked her why she was crying and she responded they have taken my Lord away and don’t know where (13)

3. Mary turns and sees Jesus, but doesn’t recognize him (14)

4. Jesus says “Woman why are you crying, and who are you looking for?” (15a)

5. Mary responds, “If you have taken Him tell me where and I’ll get Him” (15b)

6. Jesus calls her by name “Mary” and she turns and calls out Rabboni” (16)

7. Jesus says don’t hold on to me, but go and tell them “I am ascending to my Father, my God and your God (17)

8. Mary goes to disciples telling them “I have seen the Lord” (18)

Jesus’ Resurrection Verified (John 20:19-31)

1. Disciples are together with doors locked for fear of Jewish leaders; Jesus comes and says “peace be with you” (19)

2. Jesus shows His hands and side; disciples overjoyed seeing the Lord (20)

3. Jesus says “peace be with you, as Father sent me, I am sending you” (21)

4. Jesus breathed on them saying “receive the Holy Spirit” (22)

5. Then Jesus says to them, “if you forgive anyone’s sins they are forgive and if you don’t, they won’t (23)

6. Thomas arrives later and disciples say “they have seen the Lord”, but responds (I need evidence of nail marks and touch His side to believe (24-25)

7. A week later disciples were in the house again and Jesus came and stood among them saying “peace be with you”

8. Jesus calls out Thomas asking him to put his finger here and see His hands and reach out and touch my side… stop doubting and believe (26-27)

9. Thomas says to Jesus “My Lord and my God” (28)

10. Jesus says “you have seen me and believed, blessed those who have not seen and believed (29)

11. Jesus many unrecorded signs, but these are written for belief and life in His name (30-31)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Empty Tomb – Seen and Shared

John 20:1-10

Risen Jesus Experienced

John 20:11-18

Jesus’ Resurrection Verified

John 20:19-31

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Empty tomb and risen Jesus verifies truth bringing believer’s life.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week verifying scripture bringing life to all who believe on Him.

Specific Application Questions

In what ways do you run to Jesus?  What do you find as you do?

How to you respond as you experience Jesus in your life?  

After you have seen the evidence of risen Jesus, what is your active response?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Jesus’ tomb is empty

Jesus calls us to Him by name

Belief in Jesus brings life.

Characteristic of God

Resurrection and Life


Jesus’ empty tomb brings joy and life to those who recognize Him and believe.

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