Saturday, October 26, 2019

Acts - The Unstoppable Church - Acts 9:31-11:30

Homiletics                                             Study – Acts & Letter of Apostles
Lesson     7                                             Passage: Acts  9:31-11:30

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Holy Spirit’s works in Judea, Galilee and Samaria seen in healing and raising dead (Acts 9:31-43)
a. Time of Peace in Judea, Galilee and Samaria and numbers increase (31)
b. Aeneas paralyzed for 8 years healed bringing Christ followers (32-35)
c. Tabitha (Dorcas) Christ follower raised from dead bringing many to belief (36-43)

Cornelius in Caesarea led by Lord to seek out Peter bringing faith and Holy Spirit to gentiles  (Acts 10-11:1:18)
a. Cornelius is sent by angel to seek out Peter (1-7)
b. Peter during prayers is hungry as sees vision of previous unclean things to eat and told to eat (8-16)
c. Cornelius men find Peter and ask him to come with them (17-23)
d. Peter returns to Caesarea Gospel accepted and Holy Spirit indwells Cornelius and other gentiles.(24-40)
e. Apostles and believers criticize and question Peter (11:1-3)
f. Peter describes occurrences leading to Gospel shared and Holy Spirit indwelling gentiles (11:4-18)
Antioch Christians share Jesus to Greeks and through aid to Judean Christians (Acts 11:19-30)
a. The spreading of the Word among Jews and Greeks in Antioch (19-21)
b.  Barnabas sent from Jerusalem to Antioch encouraging believers (22-24)
c. Barnabas sends for Saul and ministered for 1 year in Antioch (25-26)
d. Antioch learns of famine in Judea and send gift through Barnabas and Saul (27-30)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Holy Spirit’s works in Judea, Galilee and Samaria seen in healing and raising dead
Acts 9:31-43
Cornelius in Caesarea led by Lord to seek out Peter bringing faith and Holy Spirit to gentiles 
Acts 10-11:1:18
Antioch Christians share Jesus to Greeks and through aid to Judean Christians
Acts 11:19-30

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Gospel spread through healing, ministry to Cornelius and in Antioch

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL that the Holy Spirit can direct our paths into opportunity to share Jesus.

Specific Application Questions

How has the Holy Spirit inspired you to ministry?  If not, what is holding you back?
What are the road blocks that you have used as an excuse to sharing Jesus? How has the Holy Spirit convicted you to remove those excuses?
In what ways are you demonstrating Jesus to your world?

Principles to Remember

God will direct your path in Ministry through His Holy Spirit?
God desires all to know Him
We are called to share Jesus
Characteristic of God
Holy Spirit provides wisdom and power in ministry to declare Jesus

God’s Word  - What’s happening?
God’s Heart – What does God care about?
Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Acts - The Unstoppable Church - Acts 8:1-9:30

Homiletics                                             Study – Acts & Letter of Apostles
Lesson     5                                             Passage: Acts 8:1-9:30

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Gospel  extends to Samaria; Philip proclaims, Holy Spirit anoints and Apostles confront wicked desire (Acts 8:1-25)
a. Persecution breaks out at Stephen’s death (1-3)
b. Philip goes out to Samaria proclaiming Messiah bringing joy (4-8)
c. Philip’s good news message brings new believers including sorcerer Simon; astonished by signs and miracles (9-13)
d. Apostles send Peter and John to Samaria bringing Holy Spirit (14-17)
e. Simon wishes to pay for ability to work in Holy Spirit bringing apostle’s chastisement (15-25)

Philip directed to go opportunity to bring Ethiopian Eunuch to Christ  (Acts 8:26-40)
a. Angel sends Philip to Gaza where he encounter Ethiopian Eunuch (26-28)
b. Spirit directs Philip to engage Ethiopian to explain Isaiah passage (29-33)
c. Eunuch asks about prophet allowing Philip to use scripture to share good news of Jesus (34-35)
d. Philip and eunuch travel together and finding water eunuch is baptized receiving Holy Spirit. (36-40)

Saul has life changing encounter with Jesus (Acts 9:1-30)
a. Saul asks for letters from high priest to help take believers as prisoners (1-2)
b.  In a light from heaven, Saul encounters Jesus and is blinded (3-6)
c. Saul is lead to Damascus (7-9)
d. Ananias called by Lord to instruct Saul of Gentile ministry and suffering in Jesus (10-15)
e. Ananias places hands on Saul bringing healing, baptism and Holy Spirit indwelling (16-19)
f. Saul gained strength preached and baffled Jews with message of Jesus as Messiah. (20-22)
g. A conspiracy among Jews to kill Saul (23-25)
h. Saul goes to Jerusalem bringing skepticism; Barnabas brings to apostles (26-28)
i. Saul’s ministry raise those who would kill him (29-30)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Gospel  extends to Samaria; Philip proclaims, Holy Spirit anoints and Apostles confront wicked desire
Acts 8:1-25
Philip directed to go opportunity to bring Ethiopian Eunuch to Christ 
Acts 8:26-40
Saul has life changing encounter with Jesus
Acts  9:1-30

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Gospel extended through Philip ministry and Saul encounters with Jesus

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL that God will send the message through His servants to bring new life in Him

Specific Application Questions

Where is God calling you to minister to make a sincere impact for Him?
In what ways can you be involved in sharing God’s word beyond your immediate sphere of influence?
How can you trust more fully in those God is bringing to you?

Principles to Remember

God’s Good News Message brings joy.
God desires all to know Him
Sometimes God’s call is unmistakable and requires our bold response
Characteristic of God
Our Guide
God wants us to move beyond our comfort zone to minister for him.

God’s Word  - What’s happening?
God’s Heart – What does God care about?
Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Acts - The Unstoppable Church - Acts 6:8-7:60

Homiletics                                             Study – Acts & Letter of Apostles
Lesson     5                                             Passage: Acts 6:8-7:60

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Opposition and Charges of Stephen (Acts 6:8-15)
a. Stephen full of God’s power and grace (8)
b. Jews argue unsuccessfully with Stephen (9-10)
c. Accusation blasphemy ploy against Stephen (11)
d. Stephen seized and brought before Sanhedrin (12-14)
e. Sanhedrin see Stephen’s angelic face (15)

Stephen’s defense - Proclamation of God’s faithful promise   (Acts 7:1-53)
a. God’s calling of Abraham and promise and circumcision covenant (1-8a)
b. God with Patriarchs leading them to Egypt (8b-16)
c. God raised up Moses as leader who his own rejected to save from bondage (17-36)
d. Moses told of a like-prophet to come and passed on to us (37-38)
e. Ancestors refused to obey and were allowed to perish (39-43)
f. Ancestors had tabernacle with them and Solomon built a temple (44-47)
g. God dwells in heaven (48-50)
h. Like ancestors you reject God and the law (51-53)
Sanhedrin judgment and Stephen home going (Acts 7:54-60)
a. Sanhedrin anger in response to Stephen’s defense (54)
b.  Stephen full of Holy Spirit sees and tell of heaven  (55-56)
c. Sanhedrin refuses to listen and drags Stephen out of city to stone him. (57-58a)
d. Saul holds coats – “but wait there’s more” (58b)
e. Stephen prays for Jesus to receive him and requests forgiveness of killers (59-60)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Opposition and Charges of Stephen
Acts 6:8-15
Stephen’s defense - Proclamation of God’s faithful promise
Acts 7:1-53
Sanhedrin judgment and Stephen home going
Acts 7:54-60

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Stephen defense proclaimed in God’s faithful word to uncircumcised hearts

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL that God’s faithful provision is for those that dwell in Him.

Specific Application Questions

What charges could be brought against you and the way you proclaim the Gospel of Christ?
How would you describe your history with Christ?  What is your relationship like?
What distracts you from ministry?  How is God calling you to be more faithful?

Principles to Remember

Holy Spirit enables us in our faith walk.
God does not dwell in things made with human hands.
At the end of our journey; home is with our Heavenly Father
Characteristic of God
Faithful Promise Keeper
Circumcised is a heart thing; it is an inward mark of life centered on walking with God.

God’s Word  - What’s happening?
God’s Heart – What does God care about?
Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today?