Saturday, November 26, 2016

Gospel of John - John 7

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     10                                         Passage: John 7
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Brother’s suggest Jesus attend Festival of Tabernacles to publicly show works (John 7:1-9)
a. Jesus in Galilee had brothers suggest for Jesus to show works (1-3)
b. Brothers talk to Jesus about performing acts to Judea public  (4-5)  
c. Jesus shares of the hate of the world because of Jesus testimony of it’s evil (6-7)
d. Jesus urges brothers to go to festival while He remains behind in Galilee (8-9)
Jesus attends secretly; leaders watch, wait and there is talk of Him (John 7:10-13)
a. Jesus attends the festival initially in secret (10)
b. Jewish leaders are watching for Jesus asking “Where is he?” (11)  
c. Crowds were whispering about Jesus; saying differing things about Him (good and bad) (12)  
d. No one said anything public about Jesus because of the fear of leaders (13)
Jesus teaches at temple courts publicly pointing to teaching source (John 7:14-27)
a. Jesus teaching amazes causing questions about wisdom (14-15)
b. Jesus declares His teaching is not of His own. Glory from Father (16-18)  
c. Jesus describes Moses, the Law and Sabbath works; with challenge to judge correctly (19-24)
d. People question whether authorities have concluded the Jesus is the Messiah (25-27)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Brother’s suggest Jesus attend Festival of Tabernacles to publicly show works
 John 7:1-9
Jesus attends secretly; leaders watch, wait and there is talk of Him
John 7:10-13
Jesus teaches at temple courts publicly pointing to teaching source
 John 7:14-27
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Jesus teaching brings questions of His source and judging correctly.
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that we are not to judge by appearances but look at who is being glorified by teaching.
Specific Application Questions
Where are you being tempted to do something to do something outside of God’s will?
Who do you point to with your sharing of Jesus?
Does your life tell others about who you represent?
Principles to Remember
Quiet sharing is compelling; it is good to know the right emphasis to point others to faith
People are waiting for word of Jesus
Recognizing the authority of Jesus in your life is foundational to eternal life with Him
Characteristic of God
Nothing False in Him
Knowing where Jesus is from is knowing Him

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Gospel of John - John 6:22-40

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     9                                           Passage: John 6:22-40
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Crowd seek and find Jesus and disciples on other side of lake (John 6:22-24)
a. Crowd realize Jesus and disciples have gone. (22)
b. Boats land from Tiberias (23)  
c. Crowd realize that Jesus had gone and begin search (24)

Crowd questions Jesus where He tells of required work of God (John 6:25-29)
a. Crowd find Jesus on other side of lake and asked “when” did He arrive (25)
b. Jesus describes earthly motivation of crowd (26)  
c. Jesus tells of food to work for  (27a)
d. Seal of approval on work of Son of Man (27b)
e. Crowd asks about works God requires (28)
f. Jesus responds with belief in the God sent one. (29)
Crowd asks Jesus for sign and he shares about true bread of heaven  (John 6:30-40)
a. Crowd asks for sign for belief; Bread from Heaven (30,31)
b. Jesus answers not Moses but Father who gives bread of Heaven (32)  
c. Jesus describes capability of bread from heaven; to give life (33)
d. Jesus declares results of bread of heaven – Eternal life (34-40)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Crowd seek and find Jesus and disciples on other side of lake
 John 6:22-24
Crowd questions Jesus where He tells of required work of God
 John 6:25-29
Crowd asks Jesus for sign and he shares about true bread of heaven
 John 6:30-40
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
God’s works sought and signs wanted from Bread of Heaven
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that the Father’s will is to us to come to Jesus and believe to receive the true Bread of Heaven
Specific Application Questions
How do you search out Jesus in your daily life?  In what ways are you lacking and need to seek Him out?
Jesus was doing the work of the Father for which He was approved, what eternal work are you doing?
Where are you NOT in the will of the Father for your life; what needs to change; when will you make the change?  If not now, why not?
Principles to Remember
All need to seek and believe in Jesus for eternal life.
Work for food that endures to eternal life given by Son of Man
Bread of Heaven brings eternal life to those who believe
Characteristic of God
Bread of heaven
Seekers are challenged to work for eternity and believe in bread of heaven (life)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Gospel of John - John 6:1-21

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     8                                           Passage: John 6:1-21
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Great Crowd follow Jesus and Philip’s bread perspective (John 6:1-7)
a. Great crowd follows Jesus because of miracles performed (1,2)
b. Jesus sits down with disciples on mountainside (3,4)  
c. Jesus sees great crowd and asks Philip about buying bread for people (5-7)

Great Crowd’s need and Andrew’s solution opportunity with Jesus (John 6:8-15)
a. Andrew suggest solution – boy with barley loaves and fishes with question for Jesus (8,9)
b. Jesus describes meal setup for 5000 (10)  
c. Jesus gives thanks and distributes food  (11)
d. Jesus asks disciples to gather leftovers filling 12 baskets (13)
e. People recognize Jesus as prophet and Jesus withdraws by himself (14,15)
Disciples destination is reached after frightening boat trip and Jesus’ water walking  (John 6:16-21)
a. Evening comes and disciples set out in boat for Capernaum (16,17)
b. Waters grow rough with strong wind (18)  
c. Jesus walks on water to boat and disciples frightened (19)
d. Jesus tells disciples to not be frightened (20)
e. Jesus and disciples reach destination (21)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Great Crowd follow Jesus and Philip’s bread perspective
 John 6:1-7
Great Crowd’s need and Andrew’s solution opportunity with Jesus
 John 6:8-15
Disciples destination reached after frightening boat trip and Jesus’ water walking
 John 6:16-21
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Loaves and Fishes feed and water walking demonstrate Jesus power
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that Jesus has the authority and power to do miraculous and wondrous things.
Specific Application Questions
What perspectives do you have with changes?  How are you trusting Jesus?
Where are there possibilities in your life that require additional trust in Jesus? How can you more fully rely on Jesus?
What goals do you have that frighten you that need calm assurance from Jesus?
Principles to Remember
Our perspective influences the solution
Life solutions require trust in Jesus
Calm assurance comes from Jesus.
Characteristic of God
Solution Provider
Jesus sees needs and brings solutions for food multitude and safety for disciples.