Friday, December 10, 2021

Matthew 13:1-30; 36-43


Homiletics                                                      Study – Matthew 2021-2022

Lesson     13                                                     Passage: Matthew 13:1-30; 36-43

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Parable of Soils Given with a disciple question – Hearers heart condition described (Matthew 13:1-17)

a. Jesus began teaching in parables. (1-2)

b. Parable of farmer sowing seed; the types of soils with results  (3-9)

fell on path – birds ate

fell on rocky places – sprang quickly but no root; withered

fell on thrones – choked

fell on good – produced abundantly

c. Disciples ask why Jesus spoke in parables (10)

d. Jesus answers “because secrets of heaven given to disciples but not them” (11-12)

e. Jesus quotes Isaiah: hearing – not understanding, seeing not perceiving, hardly hearing, calloused hearts (13-15)

f. Jesus tells receptive disciples are  blessed  (16-17)

Parable of soils meaning reveled to disciples – Seed condition and results explained (Matthew 13:18-23)

a. Parable of “Kingdom Message” meaning (18)

b. Path - does not understand; evil one snatches away sown on heart (19)

c. Rocky ground – receives with joy but no root and last short time.(20-21)

d. Thornes – one hearing but worries and deceitfulness of wealth choke out. (22)

e. Good Ground – one hearing and understands producing crop. (23)



Parable of the weeds – Harvest of Kingdom followers and judgment of sin and evil) (Matthew 13:24-30;36-43)

a. Farmer sows good seeds; enemy sows weeds among wheat (24-25

b. Weeds appeared with wheat (26)

c. Servant ask where did the weeds come from asking what to do (27-28)

Man told servants to not to pull weeds; it may uproot wheat

Let them grow together to harvest

Harvest: Collect weeds, bundle to be burned

Harvest: Gather the wheat and bring to barn

e. Jesus parable explained (36-43)

Sower – Son of Man

Field  - World

Good seed – people of kingdom

Weeds – people of devil

Harvesters – Angels

Harvest - End of age; evil will burn and righteous will shine (40-43)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Parable of Soils Given with a disciple question – Hearers heart condition described

Matthew 13:1-17

Parable of soils meaning revealed to disciples – Seed condition and results explained

Matthew 13:18-23

Parable of the weeds – Harvest of Kingdom followers and judgment of sin and evil

Matthew 13:24-30;36-43

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus uses parable of soil and weed; teaching kingdom truths

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT that word will out; our heart condition brings understanding; at the end times the harvest will judge good from evil.

Specific Application Questions

How what is your heart condition?  Are you receptive to what you are learning from God’s Word?

When hearing God’s truth how do you seek to understand and apply it?

There will be weeds that impact our life.  How will you respond and hold on to God’s truth

Principles to Remember

Our heart condition counts

We understand with our heart

Righteous will shine

Characteristic of God

Sows Good Seeds


Whoever has ears let them hear; open hearts who hear, understand and apply God’s truth will shine like the sun.

God’s Word  - What’s happening?

God’s Heart – What does God care about?

Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today

Friday, December 3, 2021

Matthew 11-12 (2021-2022)

 Homiletics                                                      Study – Matthew 2021-2022

Lesson     12                                                     Passage: Matthew 11-12

Content (List of Topics or Events)

John’s disciples bring a question to Jesus “Are you the One” (Matthew 11:1-15)

a. John in prison hears about deeds and sends disciples to ask. (1-2)

b. Jesus replies to go back and tell what you see  (4-6)

c. Jesus speaks of John the Baptist… what he was not (7-8)

d. Jesus describes John as more than a prophet… he’s a messenger “preparing the way” (9-10)

e. Jesus declares John is great, but least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he (11-13)

f. John identified by Jesus as the Elijah who was to come (14-15)


Jesus critical to the current generation; they didn’t repent and His call to “come to him” (Matthew 11:16-30)

a. John ministry contrasted with Jesus’ “Wisdom validated by deeds” (16-19)

b. Jesus tells “when seeing miracles no repentance”; Sodom did not have your opportunity. You will be Judged (20-24)

c. Jesus praised Father for what He was doing (25-26)

d Jesus reveals that all things committed to Him by Father (27)

e. Jesus says “come” to the weary to find rest (28-30)


Pharisees challenge and plot against Jesus; seeing ministry results, looking for a sign “Jonah sign is declared”. (Matthew 12)

a. Pharisee challenge Jesus disciples eating from grainfields on Sabbath (1-8)

b. Pharisee challenge healing a man with shriveled hand on Sabbath (9-14)

c. Jesus heals demon-possessed man amazing crowd; bringing Pharisee calling him Beelzebul (15-24)

d. Jesus know thoughts responds; saying the Kingdom of God is upon you, you’ll be recognized by your fruit; words show your heart (25-37)

e. Impure spirits find a residence in empty hearts (38-45)

f. Doing the will of the Father in Heaven are brothers, sister and mother of Jesus (46-50)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

John’s disciple’s bring question to Jesus “Are you the One”

Matthew 11:1-15

Jesus critical to current generation; they didn’t repent and His call to “come to him”

Matthew 11:16-30

Pharisees challenge and plot against Jesus; seeing ministry results, looking for a sign “Jonah sign is declared”.

Matthew 12

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus identity validated while responding to unbelief and Pharisee criticism

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT challenges come to the truth being proclaimed; doing the will of our Heavenly Father are Jesus’ family

Specific Application Questions

How have you recognized Jesus as the one? In what ways can you describe Jesus to others as Messiah and Lord?

How can you stand out and stand up for Jesus in our generation telling others to come?

Where do you see challenges to what you have in Jesus?  What can you do to declare His will more clearly?

Principles to Remember

Promised one is Jesus

Wisdom validated by deeds

Fruit and words show our heart

Characteristic of God

Requires repentance


Jesus questioned as He challenges the heart of the unrepentant generation

God’s Word  - What’s happening?

God’s Heart – What does God care about?

Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today