Saturday, October 29, 2016

Gospel of John - John 5

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     7                                           Passage: John 5
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Sabbath invalid man’s healing by pool brings Jewish leader’s questions of Jesus (John 5:1-16)
a. Jesus sees invalid and asks if he wants to get well (1-6)
b. Invalid explains that no one helps and others are healed (7)  
c. Jesus heals asking to pick up bed and walk bringing questions (8-15)
d. Jewish leaders began to persecute Jesus for healing on Sabbath (16)

Jesus defense points leaders to work Father Jesus sent Jesus to accomplish (John 5:17-30
a. Father and Jesus are always at work; equality with God declared to leaders (17)
b. Jesus answers leaders: Son does what He sees Father doing, works to amaze including raising dead and giving life (18-21)  
c. Judgment is entrusted to Son; honor reflects both to Son and Father who sent Him (22-23)
d. Hearing and belief in him who sent Jesus has eternal life (24-27)
e. Dead that have done good will rise at Jesus voice (28-30)
Testimony of Jesus and Jesus testimony declares the glory from God (John 5:31-47)
a. True testimony (31-32)
b. John testified the truth and gave light (33-35)  
c. Jesus works testify that the Father sent Jesus (36)
d. Scriptures testify of Jesus and are voice of Father (37-40)
e. Jesus has come in Father’s name without acceptance; glory sought by leaders is not from God (41-44)
f. Leaders accuser is Moses who wrote about Jesus (45-47)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Sabbath invalid man’s healing by pool brings Jewish leader’s questions of Jesus
 John 5:1-16
Jesus defense points leaders to work Father Jesus sent Jesus to accomplish
 John 5:17-30
Testimony of Jesus and Jesus testimony declares the glory from God
 John 5:31-47
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Healing brings leaders challenge to Jesus work and God’s testimony
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that belief comes from hearing, seeing and belief in the testimony concerning Jesus
Specific Application Questions
When you see Jesus at work, how do you respond and do you give Him the honor?
What are you called to accomplish for Jesus and how are you doing? Does something need to change?
How does your testimony declare the glory of God?
Principles to Remember
Our response to God reflects our heart.
Christians all have responsibilities in the Kingdom of God
God’s glory needs to be declared through our testimony.
Characteristic of God
Honor belongs to God
Jesus is doing the work He was sent to accomplish bringing glory to God.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gospel of John - John 4:31-54

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     6                                           Passage: John 4:31-54

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Jesus urged to eat food, and while sharing about ripe eternal harvest  (John 4:31-38)
a. Disciples urge Jesus to eat something (31-33)
b. Jesus describes His food to do Father’s will (34)  
c. Jesus asks disciples to open eyes to harvest for eternal life (35-36a)
d. Glad in the harvest are the sower and reaper (36b-37)
e. Disciple reminded that they reap while others have done the hard work (38)

Samaritans experience Jesus bringing belief in Jesus as the Savior of the World (John 4:39-42)
a. Belief because of woman’s testimony (39)
b. Staying and hearing Jesus brings belief (40-41)  
c. Hearing and testing the reality of Jesus as Savior (42)

Galilean Royal Official pleads with Jesus words for healing of son’s bring demonstrated faith in Jesus (John 4:43-54)
a. Galileans welcome Jesus after seeing works in Jerusalem (43-45)
b. Royal official begs Jesus to come before son dies  (46-49)  
c. Jesus proclaims “Son will live” (50)
d. Man took Jesus at His word; on the way news was brought of son’s recovery (51)
e. Father tested and verified Jesus healing of his son (52-54)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Jesus urged to eat food, and while sharing about ripe eternal harvest
 John 4:31-38
Samaritans experience Jesus bringing belief in Jesus as the Savior of the World
 John 4:39-42
Galilean Royal Official pleads with Jesus words for healing of son’s bring demonstrated faith in Jesus
 John 4:43-54

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Ripe eternity harvest with Samaritan belief and Galilean son’s healing

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that there is a ripe harvest of souls for eternity; believers trust in Jesus and experience the reality of his saving power

Specific Application Questions
How does the realization that there is a harvest of souls for eternity impact your thinking? Or does it?
Samaritans experienced Jesus first hand and believed.  How do you experience Jesus daily?
Trusting and Obeying Jesus demonstrates faith. Where do you need to trust and obey Jesus where you haven’t?

Principles to Remember
The harvest for eternity is here and now and we are called to be involved.
Experiencing Jesus first hand brings belief.
We are called to trust in Jesus to demonstrate our faith.

Characteristic of God
Lord of Harvest

There is work to be done for the eternal kingdom; everybody ought to know who Jesus is.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Gospel of John - John 4:1-30

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     5                                           Passage: John 4:1-30

Content (List of Topics or Events)
Samaritan woman learns of living water as gift of God (John 4:1-18)
a. Jesus travels to Samaria to Jacob’s well (1-6)
b. Jesus asks for a drink of water from Samaritan woman (7-8)
c. Jesus, gift of God, asks for drink and tells of living water (9-10)
d. Samaritan woman wants to know how to draw living water. (11-15)
e. Jesus asks for woman to get husband; knowing her situation and hears her confession (16-18)
Samaritan woman listens to Jesus describe true worship is in Spirit and truth; declaring Himself as Messiah (John 4:19-26)
a. Samaritan woman recognizes Jesus as prophet asks about place of worship (19-20)
b. Jesus discusses worship location and tells that salvation comes from the Jews (21-22)
c. Worship in Spirit and truth is what God seeks (23-24)
d. Woman states that Messiah will explain and Jesus declares “I am He” (25-26)
Samaritan woman leaves things behind to tell the town of Jesus (John 4:27-30)
a. Disciples see and don’t ask about why Jesus is talking to woman (27)
b. Woman leaves water jar and goes back to town to share Jesus  (28)
c. Woman shares about Jesus knowing her and her activities (29)
d. The people respond and come toward Jesus (30)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Samaritan woman learns of living water as gift of God
John 4:1-18
Samaritan woman listens to Jesus describe true worship is in Spirit and truth; declaring Himself as Messiah
John 4:19-26
Samaritan woman leaves things behind to witness to the town of Jesus
John 4:27-30

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Samaritan Woman learns of living water, true worship and witnesses

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that living water leading to eternal life comes from Jesus and that true worship must be in Spirit and truth.

Specific Application Questions
Jacob’s well provided life to those who drank, Jesus provides life for those who come to Him; have you come to Him for living water?
How do you come to Jesus and Worship?
What do you need to leave behind to so you can tell of Jesus?

Principles to Remember
The gift of God is Living Water through Jesus
God is Spirit and worship must be in Spirit and Truth
Everybody needs to know who Jesus is

Characteristic of God:  Giver of Eternal Life

Theme: Living Water and true worship brings excitement to tell others about the giver of eternal life.