Friday, March 1, 2024

Gospel of John - John 18:1-27

 Homiletics                                                                Study: Gospel of John                  

Lesson     23                                                              Passage:  John 18:1-27

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Jesus sought in Garden, identified and betrayed (John 18:1-9)

1. Jesus and disciples cross Kidron Valley to garden (1)

2.  Judas knowing the place came to the garden with soldiers and officials from chief priests and Pharisees (2-3)

3. Jesus asks “Who is it you want?” (4)

4. They reply “Jesus of Nazareth” with Jesus replying “I am He”, with that they draw back and fall to ground. (5-6)

5. Jesus asks again “Who is it you want?” and they respond “Jesus of Nazareth” (7)

6. Jesus tells them “I am He” and let these men go; fulfilling prophecy (8-9)


Jesus arrested, Peter’s sword use protested and taken to high priest (John 18:10-12)

1. Simon Peter draws sword cutting off ear off right ear (10)

2. Jesus tells Peter to put the sword away, asking shall I not drink the cup the Father as given me (11)

3. Officials arrest Jesus and bound him (12)


Jewish trial and Peter’s denials (John 18:13-27)

1. Jesus is taken to Annas father-in-law to Caiaphas (13-14)

2. Peter and another disciple follow to priest’s courtyard; Peter waits outside as other disciple speaks to servant girl bring Peter in (15-16a)

3. Servant girl asks “you’re one of His disciples, aren’t you? 1st denial (16b-17)

4. Peter stands with servants and official around fire warming self (18)

5. High Priest questions Jesus about His teaching; Jesus replies He has taught openly ask those who heard me (19-21)

6. One of the officials slapped Jesus in the face asking is this the way you answer the high priest (22)

7. Jesus responds “if I said something wrong tell me what it is; I spoke the truth; why did you hit me?” (23)

8. Jesus bound and sent to Caiaphas the high priest (24)

9. Peter asked “aren’t you one of His disciples?” with 2nd denial; then one of servants relative of the man whose ear was cut off asks “didn’t I see you in the garden” with 3rd denial and a rooster began to crow (25-27)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Jesus sought in Garden, identified and betrayed

John 18:1-9

Jesus arrested, Peter’s sword use protested and taken to high priest

John 18:10-12

Jewish trial and Peter’s denials

John 18:13-27

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus’ garden arrest, teaching questioned by Annas; Peter denies thrice.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL Jesus is in control at His arrest, protecting His followers and speaks the truth.

Specific Application Questions

How do you declare who you are in Jesus?

In what ways are you following God’s leadership in your life?

Where are you speaking the truth in love, and where is there a place you deny that truth?  What needs to change?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Jesus declares who He is “I am He”

Jesus is focused His earthly purpose

Jesus speaks the truth

Characteristic of God



Jesus is committed to follow the will of His Father, protecting His followers and declares the truth.


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