Friday, February 18, 2022

Matthew 19

Homiletics                                                      Study – Matthew 2021-2022

Lesson     20                                                     Passage: Matthew 19

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Jesus addresses life choice issues (Divorce, Marriage, or living as Eunuch) (Matthew 19:1-12)

a. Jesus arrived Judea bringing large crowds and His healing (1-2)

b. Pharisees test Jesus asking if it is lawful for man to divorce  (3)

c. Jesus responds with God’s perfect “one flesh” plan for marriage (4-6)

d. Pharisees respond asking why did Moses permit divorce (7)

e. Jesus replies pointing to heart their condition, and not from beginning (8)

f. Jesus defines restrictions limiting divorce and marriage of another as adultery (9)

g. Disciples ask is it better not to marry;  Jesus response sharing that not many can accept living as eunuch. (10-12)

Jesus choice to bless children as disciples rebuke and learn kingdom lesson  (Matthew 19:13-15)

a. People bring children to Jesus for blessing and prayer (13a)

b. Disciples rebuke the people bringing children (13b)

c. Jesus teaches life and kingdom lesson; let the children come and don’t hinder them (14a)

d. Jesus tells disciples that Kingdom belongs to such as these and continues to bless the children (14b-15)


Jesus responds to rich man quest and the choices required to inherit Kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:16-30)

a. A man comes to Jesus asking what good thing must he do to get eternal life (16)

b. Jesus responds asking why do you ask about what is good; then says keep the commandments (17)

c. Jesus lists all many commands but “one import command” is omitted (18-19)

d. Young man responds that he has kept all these commands and asks what do I still lack (20)

e. Jesus answers the rich young man and tells him to sell all and give to the poor, and follow Jesus for treasure in heaven. (21)

f. The young man went away sad; the “first command is hard” (22)

g. Disciples were astonished asking who can be saved. (23)

h. Jesus tells with God all things are possible; kingdom inheritance comes to those who leave things behind for Jesus sake (24-30)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Jesus addresses life choice issues (Divorce, Marriage, or living as Eunuch)

Matthew 19:1-12

Jesus choice to bless children as disciples rebuke and learn kingdom lesson  

Matthew 19:13-15

Jesus’ response to rich man quest and choices required to inherit kingdom of heaven

Matthew 19:16-30

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus’ divorce response and inheritance requirements for kingdom of heaven

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT a humble heart wholly committed to Jesus is of eternal importance.

Specific Application Questions

How do your life relationships reflect your heart?  What things in your life that do not reflect God’s perfect plan?

Jesus desires to bless the humble; what gets in the way of receiving all that God desires for you?

Jesus wants us to be “all in” for him; what is it that you place first that doesn’t allow you to be “all in”?

Principles to Remember

Our heart is reflected life relationships

A humble heart is blessed

Hearts committed to Jesus’ receive eternal life

Characteristic of God

See’s our heart


God’s see’s our hearts desire, and wants us to be humbly committed to Him.

God’s Word  - What’s happening?

God’s Heart – What does God care about?

Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today?


Adrianna said...

What does the acronym CTATLT mean?

chuckt said...

"Cause the audience to learn that" is the meaning of the acronym. It is our shortcut to writing out the words each week.