Homiletics Study: Revelation
Lesson 17 Passage: Revelation 13
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Dragon and first beast from the sea; wage war (Revelation 13:1-8) 1. Beast of sea described (1-2a) a. Head - 10 horns, 7 heads with 10 crowns on its horns b. Feet like a bear c. Mouth like a lion 2. Dragon gives beast power, throne and authority to beast (2b-3) a. Beast empowered b. Beast seem to have fatal wound but healed c. World filled with wonder and followed beast 3. People worshiped the beast (4-8) a. People worshiped asking who is like the beast and wage war against it. (4) b. Beast uttered proud words and blasphemies to exercise authority fo4 42 months (5) c. Beast blasphemed God, dwelling place, and living in heaven (6) d. Given power to wage war against all inhabitants of earth not in Lambs book of life (7-8) | God’s People Called to be patient, endure and faithful (Revelation 13:9-10) 1. Those who are capable Listen (9) 2. If captivity and death by sword is before you it will be (10a) 3. Patient endurance and faithfulness of God’s people is fundamental (10b) | Second beast from the land; deceive and kill (Revelation 13:11-18) 1. Beast of earth described (11-13) a. 2 horns like lamb speaking like dragon (11) b. Authority of first beast, making earth’s inhabitants worship first beast (12) c. Performed great signs (even fire from heaven) in view of people (13) 2. Beast deceived and set up image of 1st beast (14-15) a. Beast performed signs for 1st beast – deceiving earth (14a) b. Setup image to honor beast (14b) c. Beast gave breath to image bringing speech causing those refusing to worship to be killed (15) 3. Beast forced all people to receive visible mark (right hand or foreheads). a. Could not buy or sell without mark (17a) b. Mark was name of beast or number of name (17b) 4. Call for Wisdom and Insight (18) a. Know your enemy (18a) b. The number of a man 666 (18b) |
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Dragon and First Beast from the sea; wage war | Revelation 13:1-8 |
God’s People Called to be patient, endure and faithful | Revelation 13:9-10 |
Second beast from the land; deceive and kill | Revelation 13:11-18 |
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Beast of Sea and Land deceive, kill and marking ownership. |
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL the devil, anti-Christ and false prophets deceive bringing destruction; with warning is to look for truth. |
Specific Application Questions
What attracts your attention and how do you spend your time? Are these God honoring and what need to change? |
How do you face difficulties? In what ways can you more fully trust God for endurance? |
How are you identified? How is your faith visible? |
Principles to Remember
Devil deceives; he’s in a battle |
Believer’s patience is required |
Wisdom for God is necessary |
Characteristic of God
Holy and True |
The dragon and beasts deceive desiring to conquer; wisdom, patience and faithfulness to God is necessary |
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