Thursday, January 2, 2025

Revelation 10-11

 Homiletics                                                       Study:        Revelation                               

Lesson    15                                                      Passage:    Revelation 10-11

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Mighty Angel Speaks and Instructs (Revelation 10)

1. John sees another mighty angel from heaven his description (10:1-4)

a. Description; robed in cloud, rainbow above head, face like sun, legs like pillars. (1)

b. Holding in open hand; planted right foot on sea and left on land (2)

c. Gave a shout and 7 thunders spoke “seal up what 7 thunders spoke and don’t write it down (3-4)

2. Angel raised right hand and swore by the everlasting creator saying “no more delay” (5-6)

3. When the seven angel sounds trumpet “mystery of God will be accomplished as announced to prophet servants (7)

4. Voice of heaven spoke “Go take the scroll” (8)

5. Going to the angel asking for scroll; the angel said take eat “stomach will turn sour and in mouth sweet as honey and John did (9-10)

6. John told to prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings. (11)

Prophecy with Power; Earth’s Rejection and Prophet’s Reward (Revelation 11:1-12)

1. John given a measuring rod to measure temple of God, altar with worshipers, excluding outer court given to gentiles (11:1-2)

2. Two witness appointed to prophesy for 1260 days (11:3-6)

a. They are two Olive Trees, lampstands, stand before Lord (3-4)

b. If anyone tries to harm them fire comes from mouth and devours (5)

c. They’ll die no rain, turn waters to blood, strike earth with any kind of plague (6)

3. Finishing testimony, beast from abyss will over power and kill them. (7-10)

a. Their bodies will lie in public square where Lord was crucified for 3.5 days

b. For 3.5 days some from every people, tribe, language and nation with gaze but refuse to bury

c. Earth inhabitants will gloat and celebrate since prophet tormented

4. After 3.5 days God entered them and they stood a voice from heaven said “come” (11-12)

Sound of the Trumpet; Kingdom Announced and God’s temple opened (Revelation 11:13-19)

1. Second woe passed with severe earthquake with tenth of city collapsed, 7,000 killed and terrified survivors give glory to God (13-14)

2. Seventh angel sounded with loud voiced in heaven saying: Kingdom of the world has become Kingdom of our Lord and His Messiah, reigning forever (15)

3. Twenty-four elders fell on the faces worshiping God saying: (16-18)

a. Lord God Almighty one who is and was ‘you have taken great power and begun to reign’

b. Nations angry your wrath has come

c. Time has come to judge dead and reward prophets and your people who revere your name great and small

4. God’s temple in heaven opened with Ark of Covenant and with it lightning, rumblings, thunder, earthquake and hail. (19)


Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Mighty Angel Speaks and Instructs

Revelation 10

Prophecy with Power; Earth’s Rejection and Prophet’s Reward

Revelation 11:1-12

Sound of the Trumpet; Kingdom Announced and God’s temple opened

Revelation 11:13-19

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

John eats scroll two witness prophesy and seventh angel trumpets.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL the testimony of God’s servants calls for repentance and there will be a time for judgment and reward.

Specific Application Questions

Where are things that are initially sweet but in truth sour? What are the hard things in your life that need to change?

How are you sharing the truth of God and wonderful words of life?

There will be a time of Judgment. How do you bow down before Him and declare Him Lord?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

God’s will be accomplished

God’s truth must be shared

God’s kingdom will come

Characteristic of God

Calls us to Come


God’s servants who proclaim Him will be rewarded; the Kingdom of world will become the Kingdom of Lord and Messiah.

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