Friday, December 8, 2023

Gospel of John - John 9

 Homiletics                                                                Study: Gospel of John                               

Lesson     13                                                              Passage:    John 9

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Sight Restored (John 9:1-7)

1. Jesus sees blind man from birth (1)

2. Disciples was blindness caused by sin of parents or individual (2)

2. Jesus explains: blindness was for works of God to be displayed (3)  

3. Jesus shares it is day,

 a. Must do the works of Him who sent me.  (4a)

 b. Night is coming when no one can work. (4b)

4. Jesus states: while I am world, I am light of world (5)

5. Jesus makes mud and places it on man’s eyes (6)

6. Jesus ask man to act in faith by washing in pool of Siloam and sees (7)


Source of Healing Requested (John 9:8-34)

1. Neighbors ask “is this the same man who was blind” (8-9a)

2. Man insists that he is the man (9b)

3. Neighbors ask about healing (10)

a. Man describes Jesus making mud, placing on eyes, washing and seeing (11)

b. Neighbors ask man where is healer; responding “don’t know” (12)

4. Neighbors brought man the Pharisees for questioning (13)

a. Healing done on Sabbath (14)

b. Pharisees ask sight received and man explains healing (15)

c. Pharisees ask man who healed him; declaring he is a prophet (16-17)

5. Parents attest to son and his sight. (18-23)

6. Second questioning of man asking for truth, declaring Jesus a sinner (24)

7. Man states “He opened my eyes and I can see; receives insults (25-29)

8. Man a states Jesus is from God and heals (30-33)

Son-of-Man Believed (John 9:35-41)

1. Jesus hears that man thrown out , asking do you believe (35)

2. Man asks who “Son of Man” is for belief (36)

3. Jesus tells man that He is who you see and are speaking to (37)

4. Man declares belief and worships Jesus (38)

5. Jesus shares that for judgment He came for blind to see and those who see will become blind (39)

6. Hearing Pharisee ask, “Are we blind too?” (40)

7.  Jesus clarifies if blind, not guilty of sin, but you can see guilt remains (41)



Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Sight Restored

 John 9:1-7

Source of Healing Requested

John 9:8-34

Son-of-Man Believed

John 9:35-41

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Blind man healed with healing source questioned and Jesus belief

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT when our eyes are opened to the truth of Jesus and we see Him face-to-face it calls for us to believe and trust Him fully.

Specific Application Questions

What life instructions have you received from Jesus that needs to be acted upon to see Him fully?

How does the truth of Jesus bring clarity to things you are facing?

Where are you on your journey of seeing Jesus more clearly?  What really needs to change to open your eyes?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Jesus heals from our blindness

Jesus is our answer

Boldly accepting Jesus is Faith

Characteristic of God



Blind given sight while questioners challenge what they see. Faith comes from accepting the truth of what is found in Jesus.


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