Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Gospel of John - John 1:19-51

 Homiletics                                              Study: Gospel of John                               

Lesson     2                                              Passage:    John 1:19-51

Content (List of Topics or Events)

John the Baptist Questioned for Identity and Purpose (John 1:19-28)

Who are you (19)

1. Freely confessed he was not Messiah to Jewish leaders (19-20)

2. Answered not Elijah or Prophet (21)

3. Jewish leader ask for answer to take back to their senders - From Isaiah “Voice to make straight the way for Lord” (22-23)

Why do you Baptize (24-25)

4. John answers he baptizes with water, but there is one you do not know comes after me who is greater (26-27)

5. Exchange with John and Jewish leader was in Bethany (28)

John the Baptist Declares Jesus Identity (John 1:29-35)

1. John the Baptist sees Jesus and proclaims “Jesus Lamb of God takes away sins of world (29)

2. John the Baptist explains Jesus comes after him but was before him (30-31)

3. John the Baptist testifies; he saw Spirit come from heaven and remain on Jesus (32)

4. John the Baptist testifies; one who sent him told him told him Jesus will baptize with Holy Spirit (33)

5. John the Baptist declares Jesus as God’s Chosen One (34)

6. John the Baptist seeing Jesus the next day says “Look, the Lamb of God (35)

Followers come and declare Jesus as Messiah (John 1:36-51)

1. John’s disciples heard declaration and followed Jesus (36-39)

2. Andrew tells Simon Peter (his brother) “We found Messiah” bringing him to Jesus (40-41)

3. Jesus sees Peter, identifies him and names him Cephas (Peter) and calls him to follow (42)

4. Next day Jesus finds Philip and says “follow me” (43)

5. Philip finds Nathanael telling of Jesus of Nazareth, with a response “can anything good come out of Nazareth (44-46)

6. Jesus sees Nathanael and says “an Israelite with no deceit” telling him from where Philip called him. (47-48)

7. Nathanael declares Jesus as Son of God (49)

8. Jesus tells Nathanael he will see greater things; heaven will open on Son of Man (50-51)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

John the Baptist Questioned for his Identity and Purpose

John 1:19-28

John the Baptist Declares Jesus Identity

John 1:29-35

Followers come and Declare Jesus as Messiah

John 1:36-51

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

John’s identity questioned, points to Messiah, disciples recognize and follow

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT Jesus is the chosen one of God who opens heaven’s door to those who follow him.

Specific Application Questions

What role do you have in God’s kingdom? When asked what is your response?

In what specific ways do you point out and point others to Jesus?

When you find the truth in Jesus are you willing to share openly to those who need to know?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

We have a kingdom role

Jesus needs to be proclaimed boldly

Jesus knows us and can show us heaven

Characteristic of God

Chosen One is Jesus


Path makers point out Jesus and share His truth with others; Making Jesus known.




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