Friday, April 15, 2022

Matthew 27:32-66

 Homiletics                                                      Study – Matthew 2021-2022

Lesson     28                                                     Passage: Matthew 27:32-66

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Jesus’ Crucifixion (Matthew 27:32-44)

a. Simon Cyrene force to carry Jesus Cross (32-33)

b. Jesus refuses wine mixed with gall (34)

c. Jesus garments divided (35-36)

d. Sign place above Jesus on cross “King of the Jews” (37)

e. Jesus taunted by rebels on cross next to Jesus (38-40)

f. Priest and Elders mock Jesus saying “let God rescue Him now”  (41-43)

g. Rebels insult Jesus (44)


Jesus’ Death on Cross (Matthew 27:45-56)

a. At 3:00 pm darkness comes over land and Jesus calls out “why have you forsaken me” (45-46)

b. Some in crowd thought Jesus was calling Elijah and wanted to see if Elijah would save Him (47-49)

c. Jesus cries our again and gives up His spirit (50)

d. At death, temple curtain torn, earthquake,  and saints come from tomb (51-53)

e. Centurion in terror exclaims “surely this was the Son of God (54)

f. Women followers who followed from Galilee watched  (55-56)


Jesus’ Burial (Matthew 27:57-66)

a. Joseph of Arimathea goes to Pilate and asks to bury Jesus  (57-58)

b. Jesus’ body is prepared and placed in new tomb Mary Magdalene and other Mary watch opposite from tomb (59-61)

c. Priest and Pharisee ask Pilate for guards at the tomb to prevent someone stealing Jesus’ body (62-64)

d. Pilate secures tomb posting the guard (65-66)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Jesus’ Crucifixion

Matthew 27:32-44

Jesus’ Death on Cross

Matthew 27:45-56

Jesus’ Burial in Borrowed Tomb

Matthew 27:57-66

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus is crucified calling out to Father and is buried

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT Jesus’ humbled Himself to death on the cross for our sins. Jesus was mocked and insulted, but one centurion got it “Surely He was the Son of God”

Specific Application Questions

In what ways is Jesus the king of your life?

What sins are you holding that Jesus paid for?  How will you allow Jesus to fully sanctify you?

Fully devoted followers demonstrate love; how are you looking to Jesus in your tough times?

Principles to Remember

Jesus is fully committed to Father’s Plan

Jesus’s sacrifice changes all

Faithful followers are committed to Jesus

Characteristic of God

Jesus paid it all


Jesus willingly goes to cross and pays the price for our sins.  He changes everything for believers.

God’s Word  - What’s happening?

God’s Heart – What does God care about?

Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today?



mom said...

I just wanted to tell how much I appreciate your homiletics and sharing with us! It's so helpful! Thank you so much for all you've been doing!

chuckt said...

You are very welcome. We all grow and learn by looking a little deeper at each passage.


Unknown said...

Thanks for all your help