Saturday, December 12, 2020

Genesis 20-21


Homiletics                                             Study – Genesis 2020

Lesson     13                                                     Passage: Genesis 20-21

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Abraham Sin impacts Abimelek’s household (Genesis 20)

a.  Abraham moves to Kadesh and Shur telling lie (1-2)

b. God warns Abimelek in dream  of Abraham’s lie  and possible impact (3-7)

c. Abimelek calls Abraham questioning why (8-10)

d. Abraham gives his excuse for calling Sarah his sister (11-13)

e. Abimelek gives sheep and cattle to Abraham telling to live where you like (14-15)

f. Abimelek gives silver to Sarah to cover offense; vindicating her (16)

g. Abraham prays and God heals Abimelek’s household (17-18)

Isaac’s birth brings Sarah’s joy and Hagar’s separation in Abraham household (Genesis 21:1-21)

a. Promised fulfilled with Isaac’s birth and circumcision (1-5)

b. Sarah laughs with joy with son (6-7)

c. Abraham has feast at Isaac’s weaning; Ishmael seen mocking (8-9)

d. Sarah requests Abraham get rid of Hagar and Ishmael; no shared inheritance (10)

e. God speaks to Abraham and promises that Ishmael will be a nation (11-13)

f. Hagar sent off with provisions (14)

g. God see’s Hagar and son’s distress and rescues with promise to make a nation (15-19)

h. God was with the boy; mother got
Egyptian wife for Ishmael (20-21)

Abraham and Abimelek establish Beersheba well treaty (Genesis 21:22-34)

a. Abimelek and Phicol asks Abraham to not deal falsely and show kindness (22-24)

b. Abraham complains to Abimelek about well seizure (25-26)

b. Abraham brings sheep and cattle and make treaty  (27)

c. Abraham sets apart ewes as witness to digging well with oath (28-34)


Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Abraham Sin impacts Abimelek’s household

Genesis 20

Isaac’s birth brings Sarah’s joy and Hagar’s separation in Abraham household

Genesis 21:1-21

Abraham and Abimelek establish Beersheba well treaty

Genesis 21:22-34

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Abraham and Abimelek resolve differences and Isaac’s birth bring laughter

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT our faithful Lord is with us directing our paths; even in our sins God is our refuge and hope.

Specific Application Questions


How do your sins impact relationships with others?  What should you change in your life?


Where do you find distress and how should you demonstrate your dependence on God for help?


What needs clarity in your life?  Where is the Lord in that?

Principles to Remember


God should be in our relationships


Joy is in God’s  promises


God is with His own

Characteristic of God



God protects us in our life journey


God’s Word  - What’s happening?

God’s Heart – What does God care about?

Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today

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