Friday, March 27, 2020

Acts - The Unstoppable Church - Acts 21:16-23:35

Homiletics                                             Study – Acts & Letter of Apostles
Lesson     25                                                     Passage: Acts 21:16-23:35

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Paul arrives in Jerusalem providing defense for ministry to hostile Jews (Acts 21:16-22:29)
a. Paul arrives to warm greeting from Jerusalem church  (21:16-25)
b. Paul purifies himself and goes to temple (21:26-29)
c. Paul seized and dragged from the temple (21:30)
d. Paul saved from the angry crowd by Roman Commander and Troops (21:31-36)
e. Paul request Commander to allow him to speak to the crowd (21:37-40)
f. Paul shares his Christ story to the crowd (22:1-22)
g. Paul is taken to be flogged and identifies himself as a Roman citizen (22:24-29)
Paul’s defense before Sanhedrin (Acts 22:30-23:11)
a. Commander orders Chief Priest and Sanhedrin to assemble and hear Paul  (22:30)
b. Paul tells of his duty to God; receiving slap and rebuke (23:1-5)
c. Paul’s defense brings Pharisee and Sadducee animosity towards each other (23:6-10)
d. Lord speaks to Paul saying take courage; telling of ministry in Rome (23:11)

Conspiracy to kill Paul moves him to Roman protection in Caesarea (Acts 23:12-35)
a. Jews form conspiracy and take a solemn oath to kill Paul  (23:12-15)
b. Paul’s sister’s son tells Paul of a plot  (23:16)
c. Paul tell centurion to take sister’s son to the commander to tell of the plot  (23:17-22)
d. Centurion commander sends Paul with a note of explanation to Governor Felix(23-33)
e. Paul kept under guard at Herod’s palace waiting for accusers (34-35)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Paul arrives in Jerusalem providing defense for ministry to hostile Jews
Acts 21:16-22:29
Paul’s defense before Sanhedrin
Acts 22:30-23:11
Conspiracy to kill Paul moves him to Roman protection in Caesarea
Acts 23:12-35

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words

Paul arrives in Jerusalem to hostile Jews ready to kill

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT in hostility and uncertainty God has a plan for us.

Specific Application Questions

What is your personal story of Jesus?  How are you ministering for the gospel that will bring a response?
What defense of the gospel can you give? 
How do you see God’s protection?  How can you trust more in the goodness of God?

Principles to Remember

Sharing the Gospel is good news to those who believe.
God encourages us as we minister for Him
God uses circumstances for His good 
Characteristic of God
Paul boldly shares God’s ministry through him to the Gentiles.

God’s Word  - What’s happening?
God’s Heart – What does God care about?
Today’s World – How does this connect to what is happening in my world today?

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