Friday, March 3, 2017

Gospel of John - John 16:5-33

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     22                                         Passage: John 16:5-33
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Jesus tells of His is going away, sending our Advocate that will point to sin, righteousness and truth (John 16:5-15)
a. Jesus declares He is going away (5-6)
b. Advocate sent by Jesus and will come proving to the world about sin and righteousness  (7-11)  
c. Spirit of truth will guide in truth (12-13a)
d. Spirit to speak, make known and glorify Jesus (13b-15)

Jesus tells grief will come in a “little while” and then seeing Him again complete joy (John 16:16-24)
a. Jesus says “In a little while disciples will see Him no more (16)
b. Disciples question meaning of statement “In a little while” (17-18)
c. Jesus explains truth of statement with birth illustration (19-21)
d. Time of grief followed by rejoicing and joy when Jesus is seen again; no one can take joy away (22-23)
e. Father will give what we ask in Jesus name; joy is complete (24)
Jesus speaks clearly regarding relationship with His Father; assures followers they will have peace; and bring their requests directly to Father (John 16:25-33)
a. Plain talk about the Father (25)
b. Direct access to the Father through Jesus – Ask since He loves you (26-27)
c. Jesus came from the Father and is returning to Him. (28)
d. Jesus speaking clearly brings belief that He came from God (29-30)
e. Jesus tells of disciples scattering and His being with Father (31)
f. Disciples told so they may have peace (32)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Jesus tells of His is going away, sending our Advocate that will point to sin, righteousness and truth
John 16:5-15
Jesus tells grief will come in a “little while” and then seeing Him again complete joy
John 16:16-24
Jesus speaks clearly regarding relationship with His Father; assures followers they will have peace; and bring their requests directly to Father
John 16:25-33

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Jesus describes His departure, our advocate bringing joy and peace.
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that we have the Holy Spirit with us to point the sin, righteousness and bring truth of Jesus.
Specific Application Questions
How are you relying on the Advocate for truth in your life? How are you being convicted?
What is your attitude about your Christian walk?  Where do your find and express “JOY”?
What do you need to take to the Father to bring peace?

Principles to Remember
Jesus has sent our advocate pointing to the truth.
There is everlasting Joy in Jesus
Peace comes in relationship with our Father

Characteristic of God
Jesus completed work allows Holy Spirit to come and access to the Father.

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