Saturday, January 28, 2017

Gospel of John - John 13:1-30

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     17                                         Passage: John 13:1-30
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Love is poured out as Jesus displays example by washing disciples feet   (John 13:1-15)
a. Jesus knows His hour has arrived - Love  (1)
b. Jesus at evening meal washes disciples feet  (2-5)  
c. Peter’s questions Jesus washing response Jesus being clean  (6-11)
d. Feet washing explained to bring spiritual cleansing (12-15)

Truth is knowing our heavenly relationship, being chosen and acceptance meaning (John 13:16-20)
a. Servants and messengers are to recognize their position (16-17)
b. Jesus tells that one sharing meal will betray Him (18)  
c. Jesus tells of coming betrayal allowing for belief and acceptance of the “I am” (19-20)  

Betrayal is identified with Jesus telling him to do it quickly (John 13:21-30)
a. Jesus tells that one of the disciples will betray Him (21)
b. Disciples question identity of betrayer (22-25)
c. Jesus gives bread to Judas and Satan enters him (26-27)
d. Jesus instructs Judas to do his betrayal quickly as Judas goes out into the night (28-30)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Love is poured out as Jesus displays example by washing disciples feet
John 13:1-15
Truth is knowing our heavenly relationship, being chosen and acceptance meaning
John 13:16-20
Betrayal is identified with Jesus telling him to do it quickly
John 13:21-30

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Servant Jesus washes feet, tells of acceptance and identifying betrayer.
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL a servant of Jesus reflects the master sharing the washing made possible through Jesus.
Specific Application Questions
In what ways do you demonstrate God’s love?  Is there something you need to do to further humility?
How is your message reflective of the master? What needs to change?
Is there a part of your life that betrays the love of Jesus?

Principles to Remember
Cleansing comes through Jesus
Belief requires acceptance of God’s truth
God knows the condition of our heart

Characteristic of God
God loves His own
Jesus demonstrates humility while winnowing disciple’s faith

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