Homiletics Study: Revelation
Lesson 14 Passage: Revelation 8-9
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Silence and Prayers as Seventh Seal Opened - (Revelation 8:1-5) 1. John sees the seventh seal opened and there was silence for half an hour (8:1) 2. John sees seven angels before the throne given seven trumpets (8:2) 3. Another angel had given golden censer stood at the alter (8:3) 4. Incense smoke and prayers of God’s people went up to God (8:4) 5. Angel took censer filled it with fire from altar and hurled it on earth resulting in: (8:5) a. Peals of thunder b. Rumblings c. Flashes of lightning d. Earthquakes | Seven Angels prepare to sound trumpets with first four trumpets sounded (Revelation 8:6-12) 1. First angel sounds trumpet – hail and fire mixed with blood hurled to earth (8:7) Result: Third burnt of earth, trees, and all grass. 2. Second angel sounds trumpet – something like a huge mountain ablaze thrown into sea. (8:8-9) Result: Third of the sea turned to blood, third of the creatures in sea died, third of the ships destroyed. 3. Third angel sounds trumpet – Great blazing star fell from the sky on third of rivers and springs of water “Named Wormwood” (8:10-11) Result: Third of waters turn bitter, many people died from bitter water. 4. Fourth angel sounds trumpet – third of sun, moon and stars with third turning dark. (8:12) Result: Third of the day was without light and also third of the night. | Eagle announces woes to inhabitants of earth loudly (Revelation 8:13-9:21) 1. Eagle loudly announces Woe’s to inhabitants of earth (8:13) 2. Fifth angel sounds trumpet – star given key to shaft of abyss (8:14-9:12) Result: a. Smoke like from gigantic furnace. b. Sun and sky darkened from smoke c. Out of smoke locusts came with power like scorpions on the earth d. Told not to harm grass, plant or tree, only those without seal of God and not allowed to kill but to torture 5 months. e. Locust described looked like horses for battle, heads crowns of gold, faces like human, woman, lion teeth, breastplates of iron, wings thundering, tails like stingers and their king was angel of Abyss. First Woe done. 3. Sixth angel sounds trumpet – voice release four angels; troops kill third of mankind. (9:13-21) a. Horses and riders red, blue and yellow kill third of mankind b. Rest of mankind did not repent |
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Silence and Prayers as Seventh Seal Opened | Revelation 8:1-5 |
Seven Angels prepare to sound trumpets with first four trumpets sounded | Revelation 8:6-12 |
Eagle announces woes to inhabitants of earth loudly | Revelation 8:13-9:21 |
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Faithful Pray as six trumpets sound, Woe to earth’s inhabitants. |
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL prayers of faithful honored as unrepentant see destruction and are judged harshly. |
Specific Application Questions
How is your prayer life a sweet aroma before God? If not, what needs to change? |
Where in your life is there a need to recognize God more fully? |
What is needed in your life to reflect God’s love to a world that is dying? |
Principles to Remember
Prayer is Heaven’s Key - Pray |
Earth will fade away - Prepare |
Judgment comes - Repent |
Characteristic of God
Hears our Prayers |
God’s judgment is real and terrible; He desires us to repent, turn to Him and be sealed for eternity. |