Friday, October 11, 2024

Revelation 2:12-3:6

 Homiletics                                                       Study: Revelation                               

Lesson     5                                              Passage:    Revelation 2:12-3:6

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Faithfulness; True to Jesus – Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-17)

1. Words of him having the sharp to double-edged sword (2:12)

2. Jesus knows where we live and location of Satan’s throne.

a. Yet are true to Jesus name (2:13a)

b. Didn’t renounce faith even in Antipas death (2:13b)

c. Antipas, a faithful witness, put to death in Pergamum (2:13C)

3. Stuff held against you: (2:14-15)

a. Some holding teaching of Balaam who entice sin (food offered to idols, and sexual immorality) (2:14)

b. Holding teaching of Nicolaitans (2:15)

 4. Call to repent; coming soon to fight against them with sword of my mouth (2:16)

5. Those with ears, hear the Victorious Spirit; you’ll  be given: (2:17)

a. Hidden manna (2:17b)

b. Stone with new name (2:17c)

c. Name will be known only to the one who receives it (2:17d)

Deeds; Love and Faith – Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-28)

1. Word of the Son of God; eyes of blazing fire and feet of burnished bronze (2:18)

2. Jesus knows deeds, love, faith, service, perseverance and doing more than at first (2:19)

3.  Stuff held against you: (2:20)

a. Tolerate Jezebel (claims to be a prophet) (2:20b)

b. Her teaching misleads to sexual immorality (2:20c)

c. Eating food offered to idols (2:20d)

4. She is unwilling to repent and cast on bed of suffering and those committing adultery suffer as well unless they repent (2:21-22)

5. Her children will be struck dead; then churches will know that it is Jesus who searches hearts and minds (2:23)

6. Encouragement to faithful to hold on… victorious will have authority over nations and morning star. (2:24-27)

7. Those with ears, hear what Spirit says to churches (2:28)

Reputation; Strengthen what remains -- Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6)

1. Words of him holding seven spirits and seven stars (3:1a)

2. Jesus knows deeds; your reputation of being alive, but dead (3:1b)

3. Wake up, strengthen what’s left before it dies; your deeds are unfinished (3:2)

a. Remember what you received and heard (3:3a)

b. Hold Fast and repent (3:3b)

c. Those who don’t wake up. Jesus will come unexpectedly (3:3c)

5. Yet those without soiled clothes, they will walk with Jesus and worthy (3:4)

6. One who is victorious be dressed in white and their name will be forever in book of life (3:5)

7. Those with ears, hear what Spirit says to churches (3:6)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Faithfulness; True to Jesus – Pergamum  

Revelation 2:12-17

Deeds; Love and Faith – Thyatira  

Revelation 2:18-28

Reputation; Strengthen what remains -- Sardis

Revelation 3:1-6

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Pergamum, Thyatira, and Sardis challenged to faithfulness; victory is rewarded

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT Jesus knows our hearts and minds; time is short and life with Jesus is our reward

Specific Application Questions

How are you being that faithful witness? What needs to change to be victorious?

What sinfulness do you tolerate? What thoughts (heart and mind) should you put aside?

What part of your faith walk with Jesus needs to be strengthened? How will you make the needed changes?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Faithfulness is remaining true to our walk with Jesus

Love and Faith matures as we walk with Jesus

Walking with Jesus brings worthy followers

Characteristic of God

Coming Soon


Churches in Pergamum, Thyatira and Sardis strengths and weakness acknowledged; victorious are rewarded



Friday, October 4, 2024

Revelation 2:1-11

 Homiletics                                                       Study: Revelation                               

Lesson     4                                              Passage:    Revelation 2:1-11

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Perseverance Recognition (Revelation 2:1-3)

1. Jesus attributes described – One who holds seven stars and walks among seven golden lampstands (2:1)

2. Jesus knows Ephesians

a. Hard work and perseverance (2:2a)

b. Don’t tolerate wicked people (2:2b)

c. You tested those who claim to be apostles and found them false (2:2C

3. Persevered and endured hardship and not grown weary. (2:3)




Call to Renew “first love” (Revelation 2:4-7)

1. Faith Findings - Forsaken love you had at first (2:4)

2. Call to Repent and love (2:5a)

3.  Without repentance your lampstand will be removed (2:5b)

4. In your favor you hate practices of Nicolaitans (2:6)

5. Hear the words of the Spirit and you’ll eat from the tree of life (2:7)


Victory over Afflictions and Poverty (Revelation 2:8-11)

1. Jesus attributes described – First and last; died and came to life again (2:8)

2. In afflictions and poverty; Smyrna church is rich (2:9a)

3. Knowledge of those who claim to be Jews but not; Satan’s own (2:9b)

4. Don’t be afraid of sufferings (2:10a,b)

a. Prison for some to test (2:10a)

b. Suffer persecution for ten days (2:10b)

5. Be faithful to point of death and receive victor’s crown (2:10c)

6. Hear the words of the Spirit; victorious will not be hurt by second death (11)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Perseverance Recognition

Revelation 2:1-3

Call to Renew “first love”

Revelation 2:4-7

Victory over Afflictions and Poverty

Revelation 2:8-11

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Ephesus and Smyrna church known;  called to love and endure

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT that our actions are seen by God and we are encouraged to faith and endurance

Specific Application Questions

In what ways are you being challenged and where are you going for solutions?

How is joy in Jesus expressed in your life?

Where is there uncertainty in your challenges? What do you need to turn over to Jesus?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Jesus holds the key

Jesus holds the Key to Life

Jesus is the source of victory

Characteristic of God

All knowing


Churches of Ephesus and Smyrna are recognized for perseverance and endurance and challenged to live victoriously.





Thursday, September 26, 2024

Revelation 1

 Homiletics                                                       Study: Revelation                               

Lesson     3                                                       Passage:    Revelation 1:1-20

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Testimony of Christ – Take to heart (Revelation 1:1-3)

1. What must soon take place is made known to John (1:1)

2. John testifies to everything he saw; word of God and testimony of Jesus (1:2)

3. Blessed are the one who (1:3a-3c)

a. Reads aloud words of prophecy

b. Those who hear it and take heart.

4. The time is near (1:3d)



Salutation to Seven Churches – Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:4-8)

1. Greetings to seven churches form Jesus Christ – Faithful Witness (1:4-5)

a. Greetings of Grace and Peace from who is, who was and is to come.

b. A faithful witness first born from dead and ruler of king of the earth

2. He loves us and made us a kingdom and priests serving God and Father (1:6)

3. All peoples on earth will see Him coming in clouds; will mourn (1:7)

4. Lord declares He is the Alpha and Omega - who is, who was and is to come. (1:8)


Encountering Jesus – Instructions to write (Revelation 1:9-20)

1. John, a companion in suffering, kingdom and patient endurance, on Patmos heard a loud voice (1:9-10)

2. John instructed to write what he sees and send it to the seven churches (1:11)

3. John turns to see speaker and sees:(1:12-16)

a. Seven golden lampstands and among the is Son of Man (1:12-13a)

b. Dressed in robe with golden sash around his chest (1:13b)

c. Hair was like white wool, eyes like blazing fire, feet like glowing bronze and voice like rushing waters (1:14-15)

d. In right hand he held seven stars, mouth was like double edge sword and face like sun shing (1:16)

4. Seeing Him John fell at His feet (1:17a)

5. Jesus place His hand on John and says “don’t be afraid” describing Himself (1:17b)

6. Jesus interprets what John saw and tell him to write. (1:18-20)


Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Testimony of Christ – Take to heart

Revelation 1:1-3

Salutation to Seven Churches – Alpha and Omega

Revelation 1:4-8

Encountering Jesus – Instructions to write

Revelation 1:9-20

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

John encounters everlasting God getting writing instructions of vision

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT the time is near and encountering Jesus through His prophecy must be taken to heart.

Specific Application Questions

How are you faithfully sharing the truth of Jesus Christ?

In what ways have you experienced His love and freedom?

Where in your life do you need the apply Jesus’ truth “Don’t be afraid”?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Take to heart – Testimony of Christ

Jesus loves and frees us through His blood

Jesus holds the keys

Characteristic of God

Alpha and Omega


John encounters Jesus the one who is, was and is to come and is told to write what he sees to the seven churches




Monday, April 8, 2024

Gospel of John - John 21

 Homiletics                                                                Study: Gospel of John                               

Lesson     28                                                              Passage:  John 21

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Disciples return to Fishing and Encounter Jesus (John 21:1-14)

1. Jesus appears to disciples – Scene is set and disciples identified (1-3)

a. Simon Peter and disciples set out fish.

b. They catch nothing

2.  Jesus calls out and asks – catch any fish with negative response; instructions to try the right side and fish caught (4-6)

3. John recognizes Jesus and Peter who jumps in the water going to Jesus and disciples follow (7-8)

4. Jesus has prepared a fire with fish and bread (9)

5. Jesus instructs to bring some fish (10-11)

a. Peter climbs back in the boat

b. Drags the net ashore full of large fish.

6. Jesus invites the disciples for breakfast and distributes bread and fish; third appearance – they knew it was Jesus (12-14)

Peter’s Love questioned by Jesus (John 21:15-17)

1. As they finished eating, Jesus asks: do you love me more than these (15)

Peter responds “you know that I love you”

Jesus says “Feed my lambs”

2. Jesus asks again: do you love me (16)

Peter responds “Yes, Lord you know that I love you”

Jesus says “Take care of my sheep”

3. Jesus asks again: do you love me (17)

Peter is hurt because he was asked a third time. He responds “you know all things; you know that I love you”

Jesus says “Feed by sheep”


Jesus describes Peter’s future death with questions about John (John 21:18-25)

1. Jesus tells Peter: when young you dress self and went where you wanted; when old you will stretch out hands, others will dress you and lead where you don’t want to go (18)

2. Jesus was describing Peter’s death; saying “follow me” (19)

3. Peter sees John following and asks what about him? (20-21)

4. Jesus responded what is that to you? “You must follow me” (22)

5. John fills in about rumors and that Jesus didn’t say he wouldn’t die, but if he remains alive “what is that to you?” (23)

6. John says that what he has written is true (24)

7. John then shares that “Jesus did many other things, if every one of them written he suppose the whole world wouldn’t have room for these books (25)


Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Disciples return to Fishing and Encounter Jesus

John 21:1-14

Peter’s Love questioned by Jesus

John 21:15-17

Jesus describes Peter’s future death with questions about John

John 21:18-25

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Disciples fishing have Jesus breakfast encounter where Peter’s love questioned

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL  Jesus knows our future and to love Him means to trust him through it all for His glory

Specific Application Questions

Where has God directed you to fish on the other side of the boat? Meaning to change direction for a larger purpose.

How has God asked you to love Him and serve Him obediently?  Have those opportunities been identified and how have you responded?  

In what ways have you described the truth about Jesus to others?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Fish where the fish are – Making an impact on others.

Love requires active evidence

Our relationship with Jesus is personal

Characteristic of God

All knowing


Encountering Jesus can bring bounty and a challenge to love more deeply as we serve Him.



Thursday, March 28, 2024

Gospel of John - John 20

 Homiletics                                                                Study: Gospel of John                               

Lesson     27                                                              Passage:  John 20

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Empty Tomb – Seen and Shared (John 20:1-10)

1. Mary Magdalene came to tomb and sees stone removed (1)

2. Mary Magdalene runs to Peter and John telling Jesus body taken and doesn’t know where He has been put (2)

3. Both disciples run to tomb with John arriving first; looks to see strips of linen but doesn’t go in (3-5)

4. Simon Peter arrives and going straight into tomb; he arrives seeing strips of linen as well as the head cloth which lying in place separate from linen (6-7)

5. John also went inside saw and believed.

6. The disciples went back to where they were staying (10)

Risen Jesus Experienced (John 20:11-18)

1. Mary stood outside wept, but as she looked into the tomb saw two angels seated where Jesus’ body had been one at the head and another at the foot (11-12)

2. The angels asked her why she was crying and she responded they have taken my Lord away and don’t know where (13)

3. Mary turns and sees Jesus, but doesn’t recognize him (14)

4. Jesus says “Woman why are you crying, and who are you looking for?” (15a)

5. Mary responds, “If you have taken Him tell me where and I’ll get Him” (15b)

6. Jesus calls her by name “Mary” and she turns and calls out Rabboni” (16)

7. Jesus says don’t hold on to me, but go and tell them “I am ascending to my Father, my God and your God (17)

8. Mary goes to disciples telling them “I have seen the Lord” (18)

Jesus’ Resurrection Verified (John 20:19-31)

1. Disciples are together with doors locked for fear of Jewish leaders; Jesus comes and says “peace be with you” (19)

2. Jesus shows His hands and side; disciples overjoyed seeing the Lord (20)

3. Jesus says “peace be with you, as Father sent me, I am sending you” (21)

4. Jesus breathed on them saying “receive the Holy Spirit” (22)

5. Then Jesus says to them, “if you forgive anyone’s sins they are forgive and if you don’t, they won’t (23)

6. Thomas arrives later and disciples say “they have seen the Lord”, but responds (I need evidence of nail marks and touch His side to believe (24-25)

7. A week later disciples were in the house again and Jesus came and stood among them saying “peace be with you”

8. Jesus calls out Thomas asking him to put his finger here and see His hands and reach out and touch my side… stop doubting and believe (26-27)

9. Thomas says to Jesus “My Lord and my God” (28)

10. Jesus says “you have seen me and believed, blessed those who have not seen and believed (29)

11. Jesus many unrecorded signs, but these are written for belief and life in His name (30-31)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Empty Tomb – Seen and Shared

John 20:1-10

Risen Jesus Experienced

John 20:11-18

Jesus’ Resurrection Verified

John 20:19-31

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Empty tomb and risen Jesus verifies truth bringing believer’s life.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATL Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week verifying scripture bringing life to all who believe on Him.

Specific Application Questions

In what ways do you run to Jesus?  What do you find as you do?

How to you respond as you experience Jesus in your life?  

After you have seen the evidence of risen Jesus, what is your active response?

Principles to Remember                                                                                                                                           

Jesus’ tomb is empty

Jesus calls us to Him by name

Belief in Jesus brings life.

Characteristic of God

Resurrection and Life


Jesus’ empty tomb brings joy and life to those who recognize Him and believe.