Saturday, November 5, 2016

Gospel of John - John 6:1-21

Homiletics                                             Study of John
Lesson     8                                           Passage: John 6:1-21
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Great Crowd follow Jesus and Philip’s bread perspective (John 6:1-7)
a. Great crowd follows Jesus because of miracles performed (1,2)
b. Jesus sits down with disciples on mountainside (3,4)  
c. Jesus sees great crowd and asks Philip about buying bread for people (5-7)

Great Crowd’s need and Andrew’s solution opportunity with Jesus (John 6:8-15)
a. Andrew suggest solution – boy with barley loaves and fishes with question for Jesus (8,9)
b. Jesus describes meal setup for 5000 (10)  
c. Jesus gives thanks and distributes food  (11)
d. Jesus asks disciples to gather leftovers filling 12 baskets (13)
e. People recognize Jesus as prophet and Jesus withdraws by himself (14,15)
Disciples destination is reached after frightening boat trip and Jesus’ water walking  (John 6:16-21)
a. Evening comes and disciples set out in boat for Capernaum (16,17)
b. Waters grow rough with strong wind (18)  
c. Jesus walks on water to boat and disciples frightened (19)
d. Jesus tells disciples to not be frightened (20)
e. Jesus and disciples reach destination (21)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Great Crowd follow Jesus and Philip’s bread perspective
 John 6:1-7
Great Crowd’s need and Andrew’s solution opportunity with Jesus
 John 6:8-15
Disciples destination reached after frightening boat trip and Jesus’ water walking
 John 6:16-21
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Loaves and Fishes feed and water walking demonstrate Jesus power
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATL that Jesus has the authority and power to do miraculous and wondrous things.
Specific Application Questions
What perspectives do you have with changes?  How are you trusting Jesus?
Where are there possibilities in your life that require additional trust in Jesus? How can you more fully rely on Jesus?
What goals do you have that frighten you that need calm assurance from Jesus?
Principles to Remember
Our perspective influences the solution
Life solutions require trust in Jesus
Calm assurance comes from Jesus.
Characteristic of God
Solution Provider
Jesus sees needs and brings solutions for food multitude and safety for disciples.

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